The North Korean Type 63 SKS Rifle


Here is a nice example of the North Korean manufactured SKS rifle. These are very, very difficult to find in the United States. Never sold commercially by North Korea nor have they every been imported into the United States. This rifle is probably a Vietnam bring back or was somehow smuggled into the States.   Has what appears to be a U.S. GI sling of some sort that's been modified to fit this rifle.  Note this rifle sold on auction for over $1800. Pictures provided by Gun Dealer and Auction seller Mark Wiprud aka JacktheDog. Be sure check out his auctions for unusual and hard to find Military Surplus and Curio and Relic Firearms. For JacktheDog's auctions on AuctionArms: CLICK HERE

Thanks Mark!

Click thumbnails below for larger pictures


And Below is a set of pictures of another rifle that was previously sold on Auctionarms Auctions by Treasure Hunt Arms. The rifle sold for over $1300 dollars. Note the stock repair. This rifle was probably either broken or "duffle cut" at the buttstock so as to be more easily brought home by a Soldier returning from Vietnam.  Be sure to visit Treasure Hunt Arms by clicking HERE before you leave this page. A great source for older Military and C&R firearms. Thank you Miss T for the use of the pictures. 

Notice the original grenade launcher!

Below: North Vietnamese attacking ARVN, 1971. 


North Korean Honor Guard with Parade Rifles, Note the side folding bayonet. These pictures were emailed to me and sorry, I do not know the source.




 Please Click Here for original SKS rifle parts and accessories available for purchase

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