VZ35 Czech Air Training Rifle 

From the Collection of David Swan in the United Kingdom

A special thanks to David for letting me share these pictures here. 



Pictured is a VZ 35 bolt action Air Rifle made at the Czech military factory Ceska Zbrojovka and originally used by the Czechoslovakian Military for training purposes. Air rifles were often used by various militaries for training due to low noise, being able to use short ranges, low cost of ammunition, and security. The VZ35 is very similar in size, weight, and construction to the Czech 8mm VZ24 Mauser Infantry Rifle as used in WWII. Even the Bayonet lug is retained. Rifle is shown pictured with a WWII era Czech issued bayonet and frog. Even the sights are similar to the VZ24, but are calibrated to 10, 15, 20 and 25 meters. Ammo used would have been a lead BB of 4.4mm. Later models produced were the VZ36, and the VZ47. The post war VZ47 is similar to the VZ35, but does not retain the bayonet lug. The VZ47 is more common in the United States due to several being imported by Century Arms in the 1980s. The VZ35 is on my "wish list" to add to my personal collection some day!


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